Distributed hotel in Santu Lussurgiu

The distributed hotel (“albergo diffuso”) is an authentically “Made in Italy” type of hotel, and in fact its founder, Giancarlo Dall’Ara, has always fought to maintain its name in Italian, even in an international context.
In the strict sense, the albergo diffuso is a particular type of hotel that is characterised by providing accommodation in buildings belonging to a pre-existing residential fabric, but in its most substantial and complex meaning, it is a model of hospitality that occurs in the historical heart of the small villages of Italy, in the contexts of their communities and their landscapes. The albergo diffuso is thus an embodiment of its territory which, moreover, it wants to take care of and look after.

The heart of our Albergo Diffuso is an old family house, the “ANTICA DIMORA DEL GRUCCIONE”, which has three other buildings, the “DEPANDANCE (ANNEXE)”, “SOS GELMINOS”, “SA MURIGHESSA” and a LIBRARY to which the Guests of all the properties have access.